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Fox Con 2023
is back!
March 25, 2023

 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
General Admission is FREE!


Come and see

Vendors and Guests!

AnimeSTL_LogoWithText - Anime St. Louis.png
LogoCropped - Katie Anderson.jpg
jellyfishlysticker - ThePrincessOfPluto.jpg
2CB1E928-02E4-4DBD-8455-D7A727CA44F7 - Chari Vondillarizz.jpeg
2023 Clue Flyer - Samuel Meyer.jpg
IMG_1438 - Abbey-Gray B..png
04CDFD5E-46B9-478F-BA6A-487F1F4A6FAB - Brian Lan.jpeg
STLCU Mascot Logo - Jake Bushey.png
7F03E38D-E306-40EC-B577-C62139ECAEC1 - Dan Ryno.jpeg
20180712_203447 - Jessica Mathews.jpg
Midna_20221224010845 - Smol Son_edited.jpg
unnamed - Abigail Hartline.jpg
FOx Con 2022.jpg
gb avitar clear background - Patrick Sanfilippo.png
Square Wolfhearted Cover - Kathy Brown.png
QuarKufterzBanner - Gregory Clark.png
Avatar - NekoDoodle.png
download20230305224723 - Kryndle Schobert.png
745CFE37-C93E-4702-8364-2B705A08E287 - Brian Lan.jpeg

Fiddle's Findings

Dark Sky Creations

Unique Freak


Arleana Holtzmann Art


The Whole Caboodle STL

Stevie Draws Dinos

Edenfire & RibbonAnn_Art

Ivans Little Items

Night Whisper Fashion

Midwest 405th Armored Halo Cosplay Group


Introduction to Self Defense 11 am

Security consultant and martial arts instructor with 29 years of experience teaches self-defense basics and how to avoid dangerous situations. Including, but not limited to: situational awareness, de-escalation techniques, how to look for escape safely, defensive techniques to subdue an attacker to gain escape, etc. Presenter: Jason Apollo Cook

Kawaii Self Defense 1 pm

Teaching people to be aware of their surroundings, and some basic self defense taught by fellow cosplayer/lolita Sugilight_Fennec_Fox

I'm So Proud of You (And Your Cosplay Too!) 2 pm

Come join The Fandom Father and others as we give YOU a chance to shine! This is your opportunity to discuss your cosplay, the process of making/buying it, why that character was picked, anything at all you find relevant! We want you to have a moment to know that everyone is proud of you for doing your best!

Vendor Booth Applications

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